Saturday, January 24, 2015

Underage Drivers At Fort Worth's Fosdick Lake With Yellow Wildflowers Before Town Talk Treasure Hunting

As I was leaving my abode today to head towards Oakland Lake Park to walk around Fort Worth's inland sea known as Fosdick Lake, I got a text message from Elsie Hotpepper asking "You at Tandy?"

To which I replied, "No. Should I be?"

To which Ms. Hotpepper answered, "Yes. I am holding a meeting of my bird watching group on the Tandy Hills. But the meeting is over now so we are heading east to see Mary's little lamb."

I did not know Mary had a little lamb. I knew about the pigs, horses and river rats.

That kid you see driving the off road vehicle by the Fosdick ducks looked, to me, to be too young to be driving a motorized vehicle.

Fosdick Lake had a lot of people walking around it today, enjoying the relatively balmy, well above freezing, temperature, along with a mostly blue sky.

Today whilst walking with the ducks I came upon that which I come upon every year, that being the first sign of spring in the form  of a colorful wildflower.  In today's case that being the big, yellow beauty you see below.

It seems a bit early for wildflowers to be springing into bloom. This yellow wildflower did not have a pleasant rose-like fragrance, it was, instead, a rather bitter smell.

Post Fosdick Lake walk I was off to Town Talk for the first time in weeks.

I got some good stuff today. Artisan bread, Italian sausage, three cases of yogurt, giant carrots, multiple varieties of beans and other stuff I am not remembering right now.

All this food talk reminds me I have not had lunch yet. I must rectify this at once....

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